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My first Macau report in Rio

發表於 2007-8-18 17:31:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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尋晚羸咗d 錢, 凌晨1點半到利澳 – Walk-in. 沖完涼, 上去睇 ”Show”, 實際是揀女.
地方唔算大, 在一個二三百尺的空間, 氹氹轉企咗超過三十條女圍住我哋, 中間企咗十多個師兄, 當中不少是大陸同胞, 當時我感覺到場面雖然吸引 (因為女的質素都唔差, 一看有幾個都上得過), 但又因為太多人, 地方又小, 有好多師兄又鬼咁快揀好, 所以感到有點混亂, 即時興趣大減 - 小弟一向鍾意慢慢黎, 舒舒服服咁揀的.
主任講, 價錢一般是16xx, 8字號碼開頭的女就19xx. (當中有d鬼妹, 但冇一個鬼妹是8字頭的)
朋友好快又揀到女, 佢話既然嬴咗就揀好d, 專攻8字頭.
其實我揀女是唔多鍾意睇價錢的, 出得黎玩, 睇啱0既話多幾百少幾百又有咩所謂.
不過因尊重朋友意見, 所以都揀咗個8字頭(好似係8#&). 之後馬上入房.
我肯定條女超過170cm, 超瘦, 有骨感, 條腰我估只有21-2吋到, 大竹筍, 估計有34C-D左右. 樣算ok. 白淨. 東北大連.
房間內有個浴缸的物體, 但又似一張床, 囡囡進房後馬上報鍾, 然後放水沖涼, 又倒支香賓入去(小弟加咗一舊水, 所以有香賓浴和香賓冰火, 但事後覺得不加也罷). 之後BM, 啜腳趾.
到床上, 用口錫全身, 毒龍, 冰火, 過程快過打針.
當中佢吹吹下突然同我講, 叫我放鬆d, 佢話我扯得又直又硬, 我回一句:見到你對波, 想放鬆都好難…..
之後女上, 男上 (因仲有成廿分鐘, 特登做慢d). 之後側身, 狗仔再男上, 交貨, 仲有時間, 攬住佢睇咗陣四仔, 沖涼, 走人.

總結: 女的質素唔錯, 但如果比起價錢, 值唔值就真係見人見智. 小弟第一次在馬交玩, 可能見識過就算, 覺得在大陸消費比較好一點.
朋友話有幾會就試下鬼妹, 人一世物一世咁話.
不過我下次就想見識下馬交的Night Club….

第一次出report. 多多指教.
發表於 2007-8-18 21:06:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks report. In my opinion you have chosen one of the best saunas as your first trip in Macau.
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發表於 2007-8-18 21:24:39 | 顯示全部樓層
thx report
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發表於 2007-8-18 22:59:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-8-19 02:07:27 | 顯示全部樓層
I don't like to be rushed too, since I pay money to relax, I don't want others to rush me into things.
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發表於 2007-8-19 10:10:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for the quick-eat report.
Rio sauna definitely has one of the bigger service room in town which I truly appreciate. I too, agree the service performed appeared too quick as well. At the same time, all good things tend to pass by quicker than realized. Lastly, despite having one of the higher premiums for "model" types, I'm kind of surprise the place gets quite crowded late into the night.
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發表於 2007-8-19 19:05:57 | 顯示全部樓層
thank you report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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發表於 2007-8-19 20:46:24 | 顯示全部樓層
I will go to Rio soon and i will try 鬼妹

bro, 鬼妹 need not add money ma? cos they are not 8字頭?
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發表於 2007-8-19 22:12:44 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for sharing
As far as I know that Rio SN is very high quality place
Also the high price too
You are too lucky to go there for the first time
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發表於 2007-8-20 09:14:28 | 顯示全部樓層
good report
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發表於 2007-8-21 01:45:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Good try. I guess it is the SN, not the NC. They have the associate NC in the same name.
The best girls from FU City and Fudo are joining these 2 months.
Have a try for not missing the best in Macau!
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發表於 2007-8-21 19:57:03 | 顯示全部樓層
you may also want to try the night club at rio.
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發表於 2007-8-22 08:32:19 | 顯示全部樓層
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