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發表於 2011-1-21 06:05:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 chryo 於 2011-1-21 20:27 編輯

Hi All,

I was in HK late Dec/early Jan and visited D1 (again) and would like to share with you a review~

I have always liked D1 because of its close proximity to the turbojet terminal. On a Monday in the afternoon, I stopped by Success Travel and purchased a D1+turbojet package for $16XX. It has been a year since my last visit (http://141hongkong.com/forum/thread-480885-1-1.html)

Then I hopped on the 4pm TurboJet and arrived in Macau at 5:10pm, arrived at D1 selection hall at 5:20pm. 周經理 took care of me upon my arrival and asked if I know of the selection details. I said I know but I don’t mind to get a re-fresher. At that time, there were about 10 Thais, 5 Viets, 10 Mainlanders, 3 鬼妹 and 5 models. As I always favour Thai mm so I did not spend a lot of time looking at non-Thai girls.

There was one tall and slim thai girl standing and her gesture was really ready for a fight (戰鬥格) 。But that’s not really my style as I prefer GF feel so I keep on looking. Finally I narrowed my choice to # 55 and #58. 周經理 advised me #58 is really new but her skill is not bad. Because she looked more like my cup of tea, I ended up picking #58. At the cashier, 周經理 spoke to #58 in Mandarin which is quite a pleasant surprise to me. I later found out that she is TBC (Thailand Born Chinese).

Upon entering the room, there was a阿毛bringing in a tea and ice cup. As usually I gave her $10 buck to send her away. #58 asked me to undress and hang up the clothes for me and prep the bath tub. She came back and started giving me some Thai style massage and then slowly kissing my back. We chatted a bit in Mandarin and the tub was ready. It was fun as it is the first time I speak Mandarin to a Thai girl.

In the tub she gave me a good wash by acting as a human washing machine. It was so good I blow my load when she was blowing me in the tub (sigh…)

We cleaned up and she suggested we rest up a bit before round 2. So we laid on the bed and trying to see what is on TV…We used the remote and changed to the porn channel which was showing a lesbian sex scene. It was so cute as she asked me what is the point of a lesbian sex as there is no penetration. Then we wanted to change channel but the remote went out of battery so we got stuck watching porn. At the same time, we were “searching” each other bodies and she found out that I got “stiffed”. And so, part 2 began but more mutual “body searching” and kissing. With protection on, we tried a few position and once again I released my load when I was on top of her.

There were 10 mins left after we washed up. However, since I have a dinner plan in TST at 8:30pm, I proposed to leave. So we both got dress and she took me to the elevator.

Overall, #58 is cute, fresh and given me a good GFE, but as a sauna girl, she still need to brush up on her skill if she want to be in the same league as the famous呀Yok~

End Notes:
1.        Sheung Wan to Macau is usually 1 hour as many of us know. But it took me 1hr20min to get from Macau to TST. I was late for dinner and my friends asked where I was when I was at the arrival immigration area in TST…Too shy to say anything…
2.        The turbojet ride from Macau to TST was rougher than Sheung Wan to Macau.
3.        This package is flexible in a sense that Its ok to go to Kowloon from Macau even though the starting trip is from Sheung Wan to Macau.



吸引: 3.0
吸引: 3
發表於 2011-1-21 20:10
發表於 2011-1-21 16:01:24 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks tr report
it will be better if the report is chinese
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發表於 2011-1-21 16:46:37 | 顯示全部樓層
its a detial and good rpt
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發表於 2011-1-21 17:45:51 | 顯示全部樓層
D1既沐浴露/香水味都可以last幾耐, 你D朋友聞吾到?
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發表於 2011-1-21 18:24:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 chryo 的帖子

Thank You For Your D1 report. ALWAYS a nice place to cum and get back to HK quick.
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發表於 2011-1-21 18:29:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-1-21 20:56:47 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks report
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發表於 2011-1-21 22:26:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for report!
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發表於 2011-1-21 22:56:13 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for yr report
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發表於 2011-1-22 00:09:40 | 顯示全部樓層
thank you for sharing,,,,I wish i can try in near future
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發表於 2011-1-22 01:25:20 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks man!!!!! ^^
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發表於 2011-1-22 01:29:16 | 顯示全部樓層
我上次去 D1 時見到的 T 記可食用指數真係好鬼一般 ~ ~~
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-1-22 01:53:06 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 rmyjjplz 的帖子




我一直很喜歡 D1的,因為它靠近渦輪噴氣發動機終端。在星期一的下午,我不再被成功旅行和購買一個 D1 +渦輪噴氣發動機包$ 16XX。這一年以來一直是我上次訪問(http://141hongkong.com/forum/thread-480885-1-1.html

然後我跳上了下午4點抵達澳門噴射飛航及於下午5點 10分,抵達 D1的選擇大廳日17:20。周經理照顧了我在我的到來並問我是否知道該選擇的詳細信息。我說我知道,但我不介意以獲得重新新鮮。當時,大約有10個泰國人,5維茨,10個內地人,3個鬼妹和5模式。正如我總是青睞泰國毫米,所以我沒有花很多時間在看非泰國女孩。


進入房間後,有一個阿毛引進茶水,冰杯。由於平時我給她10元推給她打發走。 #58讓我脫下衣服,掛的衣服,我和準備的浴缸。她回來後,開始給我一些泰式按摩,然後慢慢地親吻我的後背。我們聊了一點普通話和浴缸準備好了。這很有趣,因為這是我第一次說普通話到泰國女孩。

在浴缸裡,她給了我一洗好了作為一個人的洗衣機。這是太好了,我吹我的負荷時,她吹我在浴缸中(嘆息 ...)


有10分鐘後離開了我們洗了。不過,因為我有一個計劃,在尖沙咀吃飯 8:30時,我提出要離開。所以,我們都得到了衣服,她帶我去了電梯。


1。上環至澳門通常為 1小時,因為我們很多人知道。但我花了1hr20min獲得由澳門尖沙咀。我遲到了吃晚飯,我的朋友問我在那裡當我在移民領域的到來在尖沙咀...不好意思說什麼 ...
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發表於 2011-1-22 02:01:18 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 rmyjjplz 於 2011-1-22 02:03 編輯

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發表於 2011-1-22 02:02:01 | 顯示全部樓層
Thx report.
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發表於 2011-1-22 09:00:11 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for sharing
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發表於 2011-1-22 09:38:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 chryo 的帖子

You are good, last time, the thailand bg do not kiss with me.  She said she is a waitress at .  Do not kiss.

She blow me with dum she said it is safe.
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發表於 2011-1-22 21:54:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for your sharing.
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發表於 2011-1-22 23:35:01 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for your report. BTW your English is good
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-1-23 03:16:07 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 c0179614 的帖子

Do you remember her number?
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