樓主: lich13

多倫多 新手攻略 及 報告交流區2

 樓主| 發表於 2010-11-4 01:28:14 | 顯示全部樓層


我相信問我果位係新人.. 我會recommend 玩最簡本既一仔最好.. 安全d.. 最重要係明買明賣
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發表於 2010-11-4 06:01:10 | 顯示全部樓層
table dance,10皮有得摸啦
where is the location and name plz
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發表於 2010-11-4 06:32:49 | 顯示全部樓層
成房都係pink嘅Nana嘅mini review:

好耐冇吊過西, 見呢件自稱混血嘅nana收$130only, 決定收咗工即刻去馬, 試完感覺一般, 肯定冇YS班契弟吹得咁撚掂...樣麻麻哋, 有babyfat, 不過對波嘅size都算唔錯, service都係麻麻, 但係BBBJ嘅技巧屬於高水平. 唔多講野, 比較文靜, 冇煙味. 唔會覆灼...
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發表於 2010-11-4 06:44:39 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #30 well169 的帖子

so many at young St
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發表於 2010-11-4 08:51:37 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-11-4 06:32 發表
成房都係pink嘅Nana嘅mini review:

好耐冇吊過西, 見呢件自稱混血嘅nana收$130only, 決定收咗工即刻去馬, 試完感覺一般, 肯定冇YS班契弟吹得咁撚掂...樣麻麻哋, 有babyfat, 不過對波嘅size都算唔錯, service都係麻 ...

MSZ 兄上山修鍊成功

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發表於 2010-11-4 09:18:23 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rtsang88 於 2010-11-4 08:51 發表

MSZ 兄上山修鍊成功


lol, welcome back
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發表於 2010-11-4 09:33:13 | 顯示全部樓層

some info

just re-ate choco@N.  Had to wait a long time because she worked at a separate suite and the previous bro went overtime.  Anyway, not much to talk about - young chick and so you have to work instead of her serving you.

when i was waiting, When I was waiting, I heard all the noise from the room...hahaha   Keeper told me it's emily.  I thought maybe I would go for her instead since I waited for so long...  Then a dark-brown bro came out ...then I saw emily walked out after.  Although she looked quite hot, but...have to pass...  it's ok if i didn't see it...

Also, there was a hk girl called fiona.  she actually looked pretty good.  slim and good face.  somehow, the first impression and my wolf instinct told me she maybe 'very inch' and end up no good experience.  now, i think back...i feel hit spring...she's actually very fresh and you know about hk chicks...ymmy...may be very good time if she likes you.  but she's gone as nancy told me she's only part-time and worked few days in the last month...came here to 'play' instead of 'work'.

btw, i heard becky's place has a hk girl.  plz report back if any bro toftt

cheers & have a good day!

for bro joe8888:  by comparison, mary's body is smaller frame than emily.  emily's face is pretty good and look more sexy than mary.  the only thing is she looks a bit ''inch'.
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發表於 2010-11-4 09:36:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-11-4 06:32 發表
成房都係pink嘅Nana嘅mini review:


YS got too many on-9 ppl
all day arguing hk vs china vs gweilo or chinese vs english craps

btw, nancy told me YS owner won't let her and andy post ads anymore.  
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發表於 2010-11-4 10:21:55 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rtsang88 於 2010-11-4 08:51 發表

MSZ 兄上山修鍊成功


而家行番上山...窮過西咁, 點出去食好野?
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發表於 2010-11-4 11:28:35 | 顯示全部樓層
great info!
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發表於 2010-11-4 17:30:02 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #29 lich13 的帖子

真係唔錯!試過響queen's 街pick up過一件鬼妹,
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發表於 2010-11-4 17:44:57 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #32 headman 的帖子

我以前都去過好多間,響機場果便runway 66,
東便tony's east,仲有西便house of lancaster II,
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發表於 2010-11-4 18:52:25 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks ching, 下次出 trip 去 Toronto 識路搵食喇~
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-11-4 22:47:14 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-11-4 06:32 發表
成房都係pink嘅Nana嘅mini review:

好耐冇吊過西, 見呢件自稱混血嘅nana收$130only, 決定收咗工即刻去馬, 試完感覺一般, 肯定冇YS班契弟吹得咁撚掂...樣麻麻哋, 有babyfat, 不過對波嘅size都算唔錯, service都係麻 ...

死仔,成半年冇見, 終於出山啦!

係呀, 最好唔好睇YS 果邊啦! (全吹水老作報告 )

好, 我都鰥巧,出下報告, 搞旺番依度先~
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發表於 2010-11-5 00:09:10 | 顯示全部樓層
great experience, enjoy ching in toronto
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-11-5 02:39:40 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 chef123 於 2010-11-4 09:33 發表
just re-ate choco@N.  Had to wait a long time because she worked at a separate suite and the previous bro went overtime.  Anyway, not much to talk about - young chick and so you have to work instead o ...

Haha, precisely, Emily is 'rude' indeed--- when i came in, met and chatted with other working girls (in a very gentle voice and normal volume). She felt annoyed and hid in another room. I was very surprised gievn I was truly a gentleman.

As a matter of fact, I always used chatting time to test girls--- i.e. If they are rude and/or arrogant to me, I will never ever go into the room. I dont; care who good they may be in the room.

Nanny kept pushing me with Emily, I kindly objected her invitation. So I sat another 10 minutes until I saw Wendy.

Weny is a very nice girl. She was smiling when she talked to me. She also apologised for not temporarily talking to me since she had been starving for a long time. I appreciated and I told Ah Wong to let her eat and take some rest before my engaement with her.

Ah Wong was not very happy (of cuz, they always want us just get our ass in the room and leave the house ASAP). So he tried to illustrate the benefits of doing her now given there was no customer that time and ect ect. His illustration made perfect sense. Yet I didn' t buy it--- I knew him for too long. As I always say, this game is mutual deception. So be it.

When Wendy was trying to fill her emtpy stomach, aanother bro came in and wanna do her. Ah Wong & Wendy gazed me and I simply say 'Go ahead. I can wait'. After Wendy was gone, Ah Wong started to illustrate his great theories again, FUCK THAT SHIT. I GO THERE AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK ON AVERGAE. SO DON'T FUCK ME. 我斯文,不代表我on撚9. 我唔知我坐係等度有咩問題? 再者, 囡囡佢餓腸累罵又點做野 ? 好話唔好聽,我係半個熟客wor

Finally Wendy was ready but even more starving . So I gave her my sandwichfrom my bag .

Like what I said, she is a very nice girl-- to be precise a girl next to your door. We chatted quite a lot before we truly started.

小妹妹都係果個問題-- 夠真誠 ----BUTBUTBUT...  once, sadly, you (you in gerneral, but not specificly u) are not their cup of tea. It is hard to turn them off and it was a great work to make them not to be 死魚  (well I made cindy not at least).

Ok, apparently I was not Wendy's type. I took all my every single effort to make her relief her self. But I failed. 吉左15分鐘左右佢先開始有水... 可惜佢真係好似死魚咁....因此

如是者,差唔同半個鍾夠啦, 我至好放棄(HJ 都費事)... 唔想好似強姦佢咁..果刻我當然好嬲啦! 唉! 怪就怪自己啦! 做小妹妹,預左有依個風險! 又可能佢真係太肚餓! 明知阿黃佢地唔會俾佢食! 直至冇客為止!  唉!  怪就怪太高估自己!

Total 一個多小時就咁浪費左! (等同做)

But this is not the end of story. I thought she was at most 140 (Cindy at first was only 120 ).. she asked me for 160. I was shocked. She was as well--- cuz she could see 'WHAT THE FUCK'  on my face.

So she asked me why I looked so furious. I was not, but good question. Girl, you are highly over-priced. Don't u know that?

When I left, I saw Nancy and I told her I paid her 160. Nance immediately pay me back 10 as the change--- she was officlally 150 HH! Well, I do believe it was a honest msitake. Of cuz, Nancy was nervous--- I'm her acquainted customers and I seldom look angry. That time, I was.

The problem is that this girl is higly over-price.  I always give tips as long as I come and happy. This gilr is a very good girl-- a good girl to be friend, but not a good working gril to get nailed.  Re-eat? Thanks but no thanks!


Nancy 果當真係唔錯, 可惜佢依期d 囡... 只可講not my cup of tea.. 因此會罷去一陣

睇到依度, 大家會問,我去左邊發洩? 下回分解

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2010-11-5 13:08 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-11-5 11:29:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Wow! Good information!
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發表於 2010-11-6 07:02:51 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-11-5 02:39 發表

Haha, precisely, Emily is 'rude' indeed--- when i came in, met and chatted with other working girls (in a very gentle voice and normal volume). She felt annoyed and hid in another room. I was very s ...

This is one of the reason why I go to your garage these days.
Nancy has some good quality girl but with that attitude, I would rather go elsewhere.

Your garage have real Japanese girl, very good looking Korean girl.
3 girls from China.
I have done one of them and she is awesome in bed.
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發表於 2010-11-6 07:21:41 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 bbbbbbba7 於 2010-11-5 11:29 發表
Wow! Good information!

希望師兄唔好再覆啲咁廢嘅回應, 你已經係幾個POST前話Good Information。

如果你無建設性嘅reply, 不如咪覆。


In case you cannot read Chinese
Hope you are not repeating your same post again, as you have posted the same content.
Obviously we all know you want to reply more in order to upgrade your status.

If you don't have anything concrete for reply, my personal suggestion is, DON'T!

If everyone following what you are doing, isn't this look like ruinning the post.
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發表於 2010-11-6 13:47:50 | 顯示全部樓層
Where is Nancy ah?
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