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D 2 雙 飛 報 告

發表於 2007-5-25 12:12:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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[PART I 之 回味無窮]

半個月前試過一次 D 2 雙飛 , 回味無窮 ! 雖然總括 D 2 內既囡囡 , 質素比較 D 1 差 . 其實因為 D 2 model 級囡囡差過 D 1 . 其他囡囡就差唔多 , 只係個別差少少 . 雖然係咁 , 但價錢平少少 . 都十分抵玩 . 雙飛 walk in 都只係 14XX , 套票就 15XX .. 小弟唔記得實數 ..   . 賣下廣告 ..  

講返正題 , 呢次係小弟第一次玩雙飛 , 其實之前無諗過玩 , 只抱住賭返 2 手 , 陪朋友跑一轉澳門 . 因為當日小弟十分疲累 . 最後因為有少少斬鑊 , 小弟就以為人為到底 , 玩就玩徹底為本 , walk in 步入 D 2 , 朋友係之前買套票 . 老實講 , 揀囡囡果陣 , 可觀性囡囡唔多 , 好彩係我朋友以身材為先決 , 我以樣貎為先決 , 唔會爭 . 我揀左 2 個越南囡囡入面 , 有一個好玩又主動 . 而另一個 , 雖然有少少被動 , 但樣子清純 , 少肥 , 青春無敵 . 原來雙飛係有分二次大戰 及 渾合戰鬥 . 而我就選擇左二次大戰 . 大戰前一 part , 二囡服待朕呢一幕 , 無論床上面望住二個囡囡 , 或者望住上面塊鏡 , 都只係有一個感覺 , 就係自己變左 AV 男主角 , 十分過引 .  

第一次大戰 , 朕就揀左主動囡囡 . 而被動囡囡就只係望住我地戰鬥 . 到左第二次大戰果陣 , 諗住主動囡囡都只係望住我戰鬥 . 估唔到主動囡囡居然出手挑釁我 , 又從背後偷襲 , 以 body 襲擊我 . 二路夾擊之下 , 實在令我高呼投降 .   最後 , 經過二位囡囡既挑戰 , 小弟短短個半鐘內 , 玩足 2 次 . 呢次抱住冒險心態入場既結果 , 係腳軟離場 ..   .. 直至今朝都仲係回味無窮 .

樣貎: 7分 .. 入左房睇睇下再加 1分
身材: 8分 .. 偏瘦, 但魔鬼
服務: 7分 .. 一般啦 ..
好玩: 8分 .. 性格幾好動架 ..  
合作度: 9.5分 .. 主動果下攞晒分, 如果可以由頭帶到尾就 perfect .  
總結: 8.5分

樣貎: 7分 .. 有少少似石田光架 ..
身材: 7分 .. 少肥
服務: 6.5分 .. 被動左少少囉 ..
好玩: 6分 .. 被動左少少 ..
合作度: 4分 .. 好多時都係主動囡叫佢先郁
總結: 6分

所以今日下午就 .. 蠢蠢欲動之下 .. 被心魔戰勝 .. 買左套票出發前往 D 2 .

[PART II 之 誠實小弟]

今日入夜前到達 D 2 , 金魚缸內既囡囡 , 質素明顯比上一次差 . 但最後都揀左囡囡入房 . 其實有諗過夜少少再黎睇過 . 但小弟唔想太夜返 HK . 所以 , 先決定揀囡囡 . 估唔到既係 , 缸內燈光影響 , 揀出黎既囡囡 A , 出到黎跌左 watt . 囡囡 B 算叫做合格 . 之但係 , 入到房仲衰 , 囡囡 A 笑起上黎 , 再度跌 watt , 令小弟興趣大減 . 無奈係無得彈走 ...  .. 反而囡囡 B 青春可人 , 可以一吃 . 所以 , 今次既二次大戰 , 第一場係囡囡 B , 第二場係囡囡 A . 中間過程同第一次差唔多 .. 所以唔講啦 ... 可以一講既係囡囡 A , 反應十分敏感 , 本來好應該係大戰一場 . 好可惜既係 .. .. 小弟係以樣貎先決呢野起家 , 囡囡 A 實在影響左小弟既雅興 . 到第二戰果陣 , 對住囡囡 A , 搞極都唔起 ..  .. 因此 , 囡囡 B 加入幫拖 , 小弟都曾經站起來一陣 . 但轉個頭一對住囡囡 A , 小弟又再眼訓 ..   .. 我諗囡囡 A 都好無引 . 但小弟誠實既性格 , 實在無辦法講大話 .  

今日呢個 trip , 真係失望 .. 如果時間計可 , 真係寧願夜少少返去再揀過 .  

囡囡 A
樣貎: 魚缸內6分, 魚缸外 4分, 房內 2分  
身材: 6分 .. 唔肥囉 .. 但有老態 .. 好驚
服務: 6.5分 .. 成日好假咁讚我靚仔算唔算 ?  
好玩: 1.5分 .. 因為唔靚又跌 watt , 幾好玩都假 ..  
合作度: 4分
總結: 2分

囡囡 B
樣貎: 魚缸內6分 .. 房內 7分
身材: 6分 .. 少肥
服務: 7分
好玩: 6分
合作度: 4分
總結: 6分

我諗 .. 短期內都未必會再去 D 2 玩 .. 貴少少去返 D 1 .. 揀返 d 靚女玩好過 .
發表於 2007-5-25 12:24:31 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks report呀
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發表於 2007-5-25 12:24:48 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-25 12:26:35 | 顯示全部樓層
Good Report !!!
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發表於 2007-5-25 12:38:32 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks report
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發表於 2007-5-25 13:33:38 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-25 13:37:52 | 顯示全部樓層
haha.. I want to try 2 queens too..
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發表於 2007-5-25 13:40:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Doggie 於 2007-5-25 12:26 發表
Good Report !!!

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speedpost 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-5-25 14:06:30 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-25 20:08:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks report
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發表於 2007-5-25 21:57:49 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-26 00:03:42 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-26 14:04:49 | 顯示全部樓層
本來打算去D2的,好彩冇去!THANKS REPORT
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發表於 2007-5-26 20:08:40 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-26 23:18:25 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-5-27 13:51:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 gaza 於 2007-5-25 12:12 發表
[PART I 之 回味無窮]

半個月前試過一次 D 2 雙飛 , 回味無窮 ! 雖然總括 D 2 內既囡囡 , 質素比較 D 1 差 . 其實因為 D 2 model 級囡囡差過 D 1 . 其他囡囡就差唔多 , 只係個別差少少 . 雖然係咁 , 但價錢平少少 . ...

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發表於 2007-5-27 15:28:57 | 顯示全部樓層
haha.. good for you type-R.. you and your ship were finally able to share somre wonderful time togehter, I am so envy of you.  I could only talk long-D with mine. sigh....
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發表於 2007-5-27 15:47:12 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 baller4984 於 2007-5-27 15:28 發表
haha.. good for you type-R.. you and your ship were finally able to share somre wonderful time togehter, I am so envy of you.  I could only talk long-D with mine. sigh....

What do u do in terms of ur profession. I'm sure there is quite a fair bit of opportunity back here if u try, especially with the quick growth of the China market. I definitely haven't regreted coming back now, especially when I've met my ship, I've totally sunk myself towards her now

She's very friendly and caring to me, and she doesn't ask for much, only that I msg her and care about her from time to time (that's what I like about her, since not all girls just look at $$$, she do want people to care about them). I definitely had a really good relax time with her last night, I went overtime again too She said I was so strong last night that she felt really good (she was so wet afterwards) and I only just managed to come by the end of the session. Maybe because I hadn't seen her for a whole month, I just didn't want to finish so quick

I'll be trying to visit her once a week, since recently their business is not so good due to the company requesting them to wear this outfit that doesn't look so attractive (they have to wear it for at least 20 days before changing). I'll be trying my best to give her some caring and support la

[ 本帖最後由 Civic-Type-R 於 2007-5-27 15:50 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-5-27 15:55:25 | 顯示全部樓層
Civic, I run my own company, thus it is not easy to pick up the root and move back. Beside. I know she has only two months or so till her "contract" is up. She told me she will go back home and be with her family, I have mix feelings about this of course. Happy and sad. The more I talked to her on the phone, the more I found myself couldn't let go of her.. I know I don't love her just yet, but she becomes a great part of my life all of a sudden. I like this feeling, But I know it will end somehow.. I am going to send her a parcel that fills with gift I bought for her. That is something I want to do for her. I even offer her to come to canada to play for few weeks. However who knows when and whether she will take my offer or not..
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發表於 2007-5-27 16:22:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 baller4984 於 2007-5-27 15:55 發表
Civic, I run my own company, thus it is not easy to pick up the root and move back. Beside. I know she has only two months or so till her "contract" is up. She told me she will go back home and be wit ...

Well, I can understand now. Been a boss of ur own company is definitely not easy, maybe in the future when u got more money, u can invest in a company over here. Then u got excuse to come back to look at how the company is running   Yes, it's a hard feeling when the girl is going home, but I'm sure u can still go and visit her when u're back for holidays. If u buy tickets from Shen Zhen, it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than traveling to China from HK airport (I had this experience before).

I'm not sure if it is easy for the girls in China to go overseas if they dun have a passport. Most girls in outer country regions would definitely dun have one. Even just coming to HK, some girls have to apply for a visa before they can even come over. Even though they call it "自由行", but I guess it doesn't apply to everybody in China.

Yeah, do send her gifts, it'll make her happy no matter what it is. Girls in China are very unfortunate to have to do this kind of job (even for very very pretty girls), they work not because they are materialistic towards $$$, but because of the situation they are in. There is too much difference between Poverty Vs Wealthy due to the amount of corruption in China (especially the government and the wealthy business people). It's not their fault really, I'm sure if they were born else where, they could live a better life than this.

Bro, just treasure her as much as u can, life is short and tough to find someone that means something to u!

[ 本帖最後由 Civic-Type-R 於 2007-5-27 16:26 編輯 ]
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